Teilnehmende des Kurses «Advocacy in Twin Transition»

An exchange under the banner of the twin transition

From 27 to 30 May 2024, the course “Advocacy for Twin Transition” took place in Belgrade. Participants from all over the world exchanged views on green and digital transitions and discussed how to strengthen the role of adult education in the twin transition.

The three-day course was organised by the SVEB in collaboration with the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE). The project is financed by Movetia.

Linking the green and digital transition

The background: Green and digital transitions are increasingly no longer discussed independently of each other in the political and professional dialogue, but as a twin transition. Against this background, one of the aims of the course was to make the link between the topics more visible. During the three days, the participants dealt with the role of adult education in green and digital education and thus also with the twin transition from a theoretical perspective, using examples from different countries and specific tasks. The last day of the course focused specifically on the question of advocacy opportunities in the twin transition.

Field Visit at the Kolubara Coal Mine

One highlight of the training was a visit to the Kolubara coal mine. Lignite extracted in open-pit mining is by far the most important energy resource in Serbia. The visit showed participants the destruction of the landscape caused by open-cast mining, but also illustrated reforestation efforts and alternative information projects by artists and environmental activists. The Kolubara coal mine and the projects visited are an exciting example of the costs and interconnectedness of the digital and green transition.

Tour in the city of Belgrade

The participants experienced an example of the use of digital methods to visualise climate change during a tour of the city of Belgrade. Google Maps offers the possibility to highlight exciting points and add text to them. With the help of a prepared route, the group passed, for example, disused wells, concrete squares and artificial trees. Both the visit to Kolubara and the tour in Belgrade provided the participants with a vivid illustration of how the digital and green transition are connected and intertwined.

Overall, the training taught how to use advocacy strategies to strengthen the role of adult education in the twin transition. Before and during the course, several country-specific action examples were developed to be adressed in the future.

Further Information