Team Research & Development

Helen Buchs: PhD. sociologist (Doctorate in sociology)
+41 (0)44 319 71 56
Education and training: Studied sociology, economics, and political science, doctorate in sociology (2018) on qualification processes and career changes in Switzerland
Main areas of work: Future of adult and continuing education, societal trends, research methods and design, monitoring of further education.
Research projects: Think-Tank TRANSIT, FOCUS Weiterbildung, SVEB-Branchenmonitor, Lebenswelten von Nicht-Teilnehmenden
Practical projects: Micro-Credentials

Sofie Gollob: Historian MA (Master of Arts in History)
+41 (0)44 319 71 74
Education and training: Studies in (economic) history, German language / literature, and economics (UZH), Certificate of Advanced Studies as a teacher for German as a foreign language (ZHAW), CAS in applied statistics (ETH)
Main areas of work: Economics of education, company surveys, continuing education statistics, evaluations, editor of the journal Educational Permanente (EP)
Research projects: FOCUS Weiterbildung, KMU-Studie, Evaluation Bildungsgutscheine
Practical projects: Toolkit zur Planung und Umsetzung von Bildungsgutscheinen

Marianne Müller: Sociologist with a Master’s degree (Master of Arts in Sociology), Teaching Diploma for Secondary Level II
+41 (0)44 319 71 67
Education and training: Studies in sociology, teacher training for vocational school teachers in general education, CAS Global Cooperation and Sustainable Development ETH
Main areas of work: International transfer projects and networking, sustainability in continuing education, continuing education research.
Research projects: KMU-Studie
Practical projects: Klima-Check, Klimabericht, internationale Kooperationsprojekte, internationale Transferprojekte

Lynette Weber: Education scientist with a Master’s degree (Master of arts in Education)
+41 (0)44 319 71 69
Education and training: Studies in educational science, vocational and business dducation (UZH)
Main areas of work: Participation, continuing educations statistics, provider survey, international projects
Research projects: FOCUS Weiterbildung
Practical projects: ENHANCE
Deputy CEO of SVEB, head of the Development and Innovation Department
+41 (0)44 319 71 59