Certification bodies – Independent and accredited

eduQua certification is not the responsibility of the eduQua office. The assessment and certification are carried out by independent, accredited certification bodies on behalf of eduQua in all regions of Switzerland.

Certification bodies

The following six certification bodies are eligible to undertake eduQua certifications:

IOLOST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
Institut für Organisation und Leadership

Rosenbergstrasse 59, Postfach, 9001 St. Gallen
Tel. 071 226 17 62
Contact: Antonella Minosi
Head of Certification Body: Prof. Dr. Lukas Scherer
ProCertProCert AG
Marktgasse 65, 3011 Bern
Tel. 031 560 67 66
Mobile: 078 840 22 95
Contact: Anikó Belal
Servizio Certificazione SUPSIServizio qualità 
Scuola Universitaria Professionale Svizzera italiana (SUPSI)

Via Pobiette 11, 6928 Manno
Tel. 058 666 60 22
Contact: Thomas Tommasini
SGSSociété Générale de Surveillance SA (SGS)
Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich
Tel. 044 445 16 80 / Fax 044 445 16 88
Contact: Davide Molinaro
SQSSwiss Association for Quality and Management Systems (SQS)
Bernstrasse 103, Postfach 686, 3052 Zollikofen
Tel. 058 710 35 35 / Fax 058 710 35 45
Contact: Severin Cucco
Swiss Safety CenterSwiss Safety Center AG
Richtistrasse 15, 8304 Wallisellen
Tel. 044 877 62 30 / Fax 044 877 62 32
Contact: Heinrich A. Bieler

Please note: Only those certification bodies that are listed here are officially accredited for eduQua by the Swiss Accreditation Service SAS


Office eduQua

Hardstrasse 235
CH-8005 Zurich
+41 (0)44 319 71 64